Everything Is Not Logical

Logic is defined as reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity. But even logic has its own limitations. Albert Einstein once said, “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”

A quote from Pinterest says, “Ask God, not Google.” I am guilty of calling Google my best friend because I google everything, lol. I get upset if I google something and could not find it. Google is a tool, but I have come to recognize it’s not the only tool I should be using.

My current philosophy is, “What you see is not what you see.” I have become very attuned to my third eye. I have learned to look deeper at things and see them spiritually as well as logically.

The internet is a very powerful tool. I have learned to be careful with depending on it for information. I have developed the ability to look at nature as also a great source of information. Nature has brought me many of my aha moments and ideas, and I am grateful for its help. I sit in the sun, listen to the trees, listen to the birds, and even stare at the moon at night. I create content for my blog while I am in nature. Nature calms me and helps me relieve stress. I enjoy being out in nature.  I also meditate to bring stillness to my mind and my body. Meditating has helped me become more aware.

My sixth sense has become very keen. I know things without knowing how I knew them. I can feel everything. Sonia Choquette said, “Your sixth sense doesn’t always communicate through words. Sometimes it simply moves you in the best direction for your highest good… Go with it.” There are some things one can put into words; sometimes they can only be felt.

I have allowed my imagination and feelings to take the lead in my life. I have very vivid dreams and premonitions. I have seen my dreams come true and it is truly magical. Netflix has a show called “Manifest,” which is a great example of everything that is not logical.

I have learned to listen to the inner voice without reason. The world makes you feel like you need logic to make moves. Whenever I look at the logic of things, I feel limited and frustrated. But I have started telling myself everything is not logical. I have created magic in my life and surprised people; they would ask me how I did that. I won’t be able to explain it logically because it came from a spiritual place. For example, my extreme couponing experience was more magical than logical. I couldn’t make sense of it logically. My success came from somewhere spiritual.

There are self-help teachers out there that teach things that don’t work. Because it had worked for them once, they keep selling it on the internet for personal gain. It is simply good business for them but bad business for you. I don’t believe everything can be taught. I believe in natural gifts. Gifts that transcend logic. There is so much more to topics and lectures beyond the surface value. The fact is, I am guilty of attending all the free masterclasses, signing up for emails and even buying into the programs. I came to realize there was a lot of fluff in these free masterclasses and most people are actually selling you their way of making money. However, the best teachers are those that lead from a spiritual place.

In the end, we are spiritual beings with human experience. We can choose to tune in more spiritually than logically. I believe both can work together. We just have to use them properly. We have to know when to move spiritually and when to move logically and when to move with both. I live my life more spiritually than logically. Listening to my intuition, I make good decisions that initially made no logical sense.

It’s time to start listening to your intuition. For instance, you can tell when something isn’t right about someone or something if you listen to that inside voice. The answer is always within you. Don’t be held back by logic to make your move. Make that leap of fate and stop getting in your head.

I am currently enjoying my spiritual journey, knowing that my dreams and goals are not limited to logic. Have you made decisions in your life that made no logical sense? Let me know.

I am committed to my spiritual journey of forever evolving mentally, physically, and spiritually. I look forward to hearing from you, talking to you, connecting with you, and staying enlightened with you.

#befree #bealight #loveandlight

Denetria Brijel

Email: [email protected]

Pinterest: dedespeaks

Instagram: Denetria Brijel

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