I Am Enough

My coach bought me a necklace that said “I Am Enough!” The message was so loud and clear. Whenever I’m frustrated about something, my spirit reminds me to look at my necklace, and instantly I would feel free and relaxed.

The feeling of inadequacy lurks in every corner of our lives. You look at social media, go to masterclasses, and see the certifications and degrees someone might have and this suddenly brings that sad feeling to light.

But I have learned to tell myself I am enough where I am. While self-improvement remains a virtue, I no longer feel the need to purchase everyone’s program, masterclass, or allow myself to be coached by every guru.

Whenever I look at nature, I’m reminded that I’m enough. The birds, the trees, the sun, the moon—they all remind me of this fact. (I want to create a T-shirt that says “I am enough” and I encourage whoever is reading this to do so if you feel led).

We live in a world that makes you feel like you are not enough. You see it on TV, at school, the news, programs, movies, and so on. There is serious pressure to be one thing or the other. The pressure to be successful leaves you feeling like a failure as you try to be enough in this world that keeps demanding so much from you.

Lately, I have started to question the self-help programs I come across in my day-to-day. Do I honestly need another program to be successful? Why am I always trying to change or fix something that doesn’t need to be fixed or changed? Lately, I have become more aware of myself, allowing myself to be grounded in the moment. Personally, I am tired of chasing courses, programs, and masterclasses. I am tired of this materialistic rat race of chasing things outside of myself to feel good enough. I am enough as I am and I love myself in this moment the way I am because I am enough. My spirit has led me to this moment; I have chosen to honor it and enjoy the peace of being enough.

Everything is not about logic. Some things are neither tangible nor physical. Some things—like subtle energy, mystery, or the magic of life—can only be felt.  When you think of the spirit world, God, or whatever you resonate with, it’s a feeling, an experience, whether it is synchronicities, messages, or numbers. You cannot even explain it sometimes, but you just know it exists. I love Pinterest and one picture I came across said “ask God not Google.” This really resonated with me because I feel like Google is my BFF. I am always Googling things and become easily frustrated when I can’t find them on Google. Now I understand that Google is a resource, not the source, and you won’t find everything you are searching for or need on Google. Finding the source requires soul work, which means tuning within your spirit. If you are patient with divinity, the divine will answer you. Be still and you will receive some message from the universe.

Today I rest in knowing I am enough. I am great as I am. I have stopped stressing myself about things I could not get, freeing myself from the chains of failure and inadequacy. As a little girl growing up in a school system with so much competition, dealing with that dreadful feeling of inadequacy, this has been a long journey for me.

 Now that I’m an adult, I have learned to stay away from all the competition because I believe we are all good enough. I prefer my own lane as an entrepreneur and I’m cruising on it. I love being an entrepreneur because it allows me to create whatever I want and I don’t have to be in competition with anybody. I communicate and co-exist with other business owners that sell the same thing I sell because the sky is big enough for everyone to fly. I believe competition creates separation, but building together creates unity. We all can be successful without comparing or being in competition.

I enjoy creating and will help others create because that is what my soul desires. The truth is, I find immense joy just living from my soul. Likewise, I don’t mind helping others get what I have or becoming better than me because there’s an infinite supply of whatever we are both seeking. I just love it when I see people on the same frequency as me being assets to each other and helping each other grow as individuals and collectives.

In the end, I am choosing to be enough—appreciating the gifts I already have within me instead of searching outside for something I may not even use or need. However, to be enough needs a bit of work.

First, you have to appreciate and be grateful for where you are in this moment because this moment is a gift and you will miss it trying to chase something that may not even be your gift. Freedom comes with telling myself I have everything I need within me at this moment.

Next, you have to honestly assess your wants and needs and come to terms with them. You have to draw that thin line between your wants and needs. I have learned to trust the universe to provide for my needs in divine time.

To be enough also means slowing down the chase to fill the hole within. I remember chasing programs, coaches, masterclasses, signing up for things on Instagram, giving everyone my email, chasing things I didn’t need. The more I looked, the more I felt further and further away from the truth. I found my truth by losing all my attachments, illusions, and old beliefs. I discovered that my truth is living in the now. Although I don’t believe in chasing, I believe in asking, believing, and receiving.

The universe is meant to work for you. When you allow the universe to do its work, it brings you goodness better than anything imagined. The universe’s gift is free of disappointments—I have had my share of this, trying to chase things that are not meant for me.

Of course, I believe in coaches, classes, books, events, and tools that provide mental, physical, financial, or spiritual improvement—as long as these tools properly align with your universe.

Finally, I have learned to serve from a full cup, not an empty one. It’s important that my work serves me first and then the world around me. Before I buy anything these days, I ask myself: is this serving me? It makes no sense for me to buy something that serves other people and doesn’t serve me. It’s important that it serves me first and then serve others.

When the universe gives me something I ask for, I truly enjoy it because it is free from competition, hustling, and chasing. The universe is powerful. When I align with it, my flow is easy and light. I am in the process of being practical with the art of aligning with the universe. The more I commit myself to this practice, good things seem to manifest easily and effortlessly. After all these years, I now understand that to be enough is to be patient and growing while allowing the universe take its course.

I am committed to my spiritual journey of forever evolving mentally, physically, and spiritually. I look forward to hearing from you, talking to you, connecting with you, and standing enlightened with you.

 #befree #bealight #loveandlight Denetria Brijel

Email: [email protected]

Pinterest: dedespeaks

Instagram: Denetria Brijel