The Truth is Not Always Pretty!!!

We all want fairytale lives: the perfect marriage, the perfect kids, the perfect job, the perfect home, the perfect friends, and the perfect life. But this is not real. Everything cannot be perfect. Life is a teacher, and we all came here to learn its lessons: good and bad.

I speak my truth and tell my truth whether it sounds good or bad. I have experienced life and I have no problem sharing my truth. I am telling the truth and the truth is not always pretty. I don’t have time to paint a pretty picture and make it look like I haven’t been through shit. I speak my truth to inspire others to live their truths. Our truths are different and we all have inspiring stories to tell. While so many are comfortable with living a lie, the comfort is never often real. To live a lie is to remain in shackles and suffering.  That is why I hope to inspire others to live their truth and be free.

My truth is, my life is wild and crazy, but it’s my life, lol. The truth is, I have flaws and I am also flawless. The truth is, I had a painful childhood, a failed marriage and I experienced hell on earth.

The truth is, I pretended to live a good life and lied to myself and others. I wanted to be accepted by the people who bullied and criticized me. I have learned to love my enemies because it doesn’t serve me to hate anybody. Deep down inside I hope I inspire everyone to rise above the bullshit.

The truth is, I ended up being like my father and grandmother, taking on all their drama and chaos. I became the thing I hated. I used to make fun of people, gossip and cause others pain just to fit in and become part of the crowd. I used to inflict the same pain that was inflicted on me on others.

The truth is, the people I trusted the most and confided in ended up using my pain against me. I would silently process the betrayal, wondering why the hell would someone I trust use my own pain against me.

The truth is, the people that knew the most about me became jealous of me. I could not understand, for the life of me, why they would be jealous of me with all the pain I endured in my childhood and adulthood.

The truth is, I gave my power away unknowingly. I was asleep for a long time, forgetting the power within and who I was. I did not wake up until I was thirty-one years old. My wakefulness brought in a fresh awareness and a new sense of self.

The truth is, I have experienced hell on earth, died a spiritual death and risen again. I now understand the thin distinction between spiritual and physical death.

The truth is, I have experienced both hate and love. I enjoyed religion growing up and saw myself growing in it until my awakening. I thought religion was the way to heaven until I realized you can create your heaven or hell. I did not understand I was creating my own pain by reliving it and being a victim of my circumstance. Once I understood vibration, frequency and intuition, I started living a different life, one I loved and enjoyed.

The truth is, I am now living my best life thanks to my new awareness. Is my life perfect or without obstacles? Hell no, lol. But I am present with my emotions and feelings. And I am happy with who I have become.

The truth is, I hated science as a kid. Now I like it. I hated learning as a kid. Now I am a life learner. I hated a lot of things as a kid and now I take time to enjoy the journey and the process of things. I used to hate chores and now have learned to enjoy cleaning my house.

The truth is, there are many different parts of me and I am telling my story from many different angles.  I found love in an unlikely place and I am glad I remained open to love. I have two baby daddies and it ain’t no shame in my game, lol. Both fathers are present in my daughters’ lives and I love it.

The truth is, even though I experienced a lot of pain, I have also experienced a lot of blessings in my life. The universe always takes care of me.

The truth is, my kids are living a better life because I chose to heal and break cycles. I allow my kids the freedom to dream and express themselves with balance. My daughter is house shopping and ready to move, lol, and I let her search for houses because she inspires me to act. I do believe the universe communicates through my children and I listen.

I love my girls. They inspire me so much and they are the biggest reason I chose a different path. I never would have gone to therapy if it was not for them. My girls inspired me to take charge and they depend on me.

The truth is, I keep it one hundred percent with my kids about life. I don’t hide the truth. I speak it boldly. I know my kids watch me, and they learn from my actions more than my words.

I am on my truth journey and I want the truth no matter what it sounds like. My truth is where I live and it is where I am free to be just as I am.

What is your truth? It may not be a pretty story, but the raw and ugly truth is just as beautiful.