My Natal Chart Journey

A natal chart is a map showing where all the planets were in their trip around the sun (from the earth’s vantage point) at the particular moment one is born. By reading your natal chart, you can discover your weaknesses and strengths, the best time for soul growth, and the most critical time you should make significant moves in your life. Of course, the reading requires the time, date and place of your birth.

I started my natal chart journey in 2020.  I saw a woman on YouTube and went to her website where she had a natal chart reading. I was like, what is that? Mind you, I have been on my spiritual journey for about four years and I did not have a clue about natal charts.

I googled natal charts and, of course, became even more confused, lol. I decided to book a natal chart session with the YouTube woman, super excited to learn. After the zoom video, she sent me the link to print out my natal chart. The chart totally confused me. I looked at the notes I took during the session and they weren’t good enough for me to understand the chart.  I could not ask her about my natal chart unless I booked another session. Clueless and frustrated, I did not know anybody in my community that could help me. I put the chart aside until I could figure it out. I put it on my wall, telling myself I am going to figure this out.

Fast forward to April 2021, I went to a meetup on and they had a free mini session on natal chart reading. I instantly connected with a young lady named Carly Whorton. I visited her website, and I loved the way she broke down the meaning of a natal chart. My spirit led me to her to help me. I booked four sessions with her for a walkthrough. I am considering booking more because I loved her explanation.

When it comes to reading your natal chart, it’s important to find someone that you really connect with. One session is not enough in my opinion. After my first session with Carly, I sat in my bed and started doing my own research and it finally clicked for me. I sent her a message on WhatsApp, saying, “OMG, I can’t believe I can read the wheel of my chart, lol.”

Success, finally.  I got there. Nothing beats determination. I printed my chart as well as that of my partner and girls. And because a natal chart has so many different pieces to it, it could take months to understand the basics of your chart. Carly told me I will continue to find new things in my chart that I have never seen before. So, reading a natal chart is a journey and I am enjoying my journey.

A natal chart consists of planets, Houses, zodiac signs, and aspects. Each of these needs its little own research to understand. Chart reading also comes with the big three. My big three are: my sun in cancer, my moon in Capricorn, and my rising in Leo. I know this probably doesn’t mean too much to a person not initiated to chart reading. But if you are interested in your natal chart, I suggest you ask the reader about your big three.

You can get a free copy of your natal chart here. You can either explore your chart on your own or connect with someone to help you dive deeper.

Why do I care so much about my natal chart? The answer is, I understood my outer world better than my inner world, and I wanted to change that. I never explored myself on a deeper level, but now I am committed to this self-journey within me.

I believe the greatest book you will ever read is deep inside of you. Knowing yourself is the key to self-mastery.  I have listened to everything outside of me: my parents, religion, books, school, and friends, but now I wanted to know myself more on a scientific level. On my journey of knowing myself, these questions came to mind: “Why did I come here? What is my purpose? Why do I do the things I do?” My natal chart has helped me answer some of these questions.

I now understand that my natal chart is the blueprint of who I am. I look at this wheel and I am amazed at how much depth one sheet of paper has about me. I feel connected to astrology and my natal chart. I feel it and what I feel is right for me. This may not be the path for other people and that is OK.

I suggest that you should keep exploring until you find what is best and what feels true for you. I feel the truth in my natal chart and, thanks to it, I have a greater understanding of myself. When I decided to explore my natal chart, I wanted the truth, not just all the good stuff. I wanted to explore it all: the good, bad and the ugly.

In my natal chart, my Fourth House is heavy with planets. I have Pluto, South Node, and Saturn. My Fourth House is in Scorpio. In astrology, the Fourth House has to do with family, parents, and your roots.  This made so much sense why I had a hard childhood. It explained why I had so much karmic debt to pay and why I had it early in life.  In my “Learn to Love” and “Journey into My Childhood” blog posts, I spoke more about my childhood pains.

The journey of my natal chart has been very enlightening, and I am connecting to myself on a deeper level. Uncovering the chart has helped me understand how I am wired, my purpose, and why I am here. Due to the chart’s depth, I am taking it piece by piece. I am currently focused on my Fourth House. I won’t be diving deep into my whole natal chart in this article. If I give you a snapshot of my entire chart, I would fill a book as there is always something new to discover. But since I am committed to this journey of understanding myself, I wish to keep learning something new.

Have you ever had a natal chart reading? Let me know.

I am committed to my spiritual journey of forever evolving mentally, physically, and spiritually. I look forward to hearing from you, talking to you, connecting with you, and staying enlightened with you.

 #befree #bealight #loveandlight

Denetria Brijel

Email: [email protected]

Pinterest: dedespeaks

Instagram: Denetria Brijel