Spiritual Eyes VS. Ego Eyes

Spiritual Eyes VS Ego Eyes

My inspiration to create this blog came after reading Infinite Self by Stuart Wilde. He opened my eyes to the spirit and exposed my ego. Reading this book, I began to see my spirit eyes and my ego eyes as two different entities. I sat in my home office and literally wept at how much my ego was controlling my life. I used to blame everyone—my parents, family, and friends—for my past and for how my life turned out. I lived in regret and anger, constantly being upset about my life until I went to therapy and started my inner healing. The truth is, I never saw my ego as a major issue in my life. But reading Infinite Self, I awakened to my own ego and started writing it down. I started seeing life through my spiritual eye (infinite self) and ego eye (finite self)

My ego eyes

  1. Forceful 
  2. Likes to control everything
  3. Rush
  4. Impatient
  5. Easily frustrated
  6. Always want more
  7. Never satisfied
  8. Wants everything now
  9. Don’t like to sit still
  10. Reacts to everything
  11. Insecure
  12. Consumed by emotions
  13. Self-indulge in everything
  14. Attached to outcomes
  15. Seeks validation and approval
  16. Judges
  17. Regrets the past
  18. Holds on to the past
  19. Always wish life was different than it is
  20. Wants to be heard
  21. Lazy
  22. Messy
  23. Criticizes
  24. Likes to fight, yells, screams, act out loud
  25. Infringe upon others
  26. Want to change the past
  27. Chase things
  28. Struggle
  29. Try hard
  30. Seek power
  31. Resist change
  32. Anxious
  33. Fearful
  34. Likes comfort
  35. Thinks lack and limits

My spiritual eyes

  1. Trust my intuition
  2. Trust my spirit guide
  3. Trust my inner voice
  4. Allow the spirit to lead me
  5. Your spirit will guide you to the right people and bring the right people
  6. Lives in the moment
  7. Trust the universe
  8. Create
  9. Honor space and distance
  10. I practice detachment
  11. I practice gratitude
  12. Ignite the spark within you
  13. See abundance
  14. See things as they are
  15. Accept things as they are
  16. Observe life
  17. Focus on the inner world
  18. Organized
  19. Orderly
  20. Disciplined
  21. Quiet
  22. Accept responsibility
  23. Accept others as they are
  24. Don’t explain itself
  25. Does not need approval or validation
  26. Humble
  27. Controls the ego
  28. Honor others as they are
  29. Peaceful and loving
  30. Makes you uncomfortable
  31. Speaks through you

I began my spiritual journey in January 2017 and everything in my life started to change. I started being intentional about my feelings and energies. I embarked upon a new awareness of my life: I no longer accept the shit I used to accept. I started to see how toxic my relationship with family and friends was. It’s like a veil was pulled from over my eyes and I could see my life with so much clarity and awareness. I started tuning into my intuition and things started clicking and making sense. 

On the 5th of December 2016, the spirit within me told me my marriage was dead. I grieved for about a month. In January 2017, I picked myself up and began creating my life from a new perspective.  While I was excited to be on a new awakened spiritual journey, I was in for a surprise. I was feeling so free within my spirit, and I wanted others to experience the same freedom. I started telling everybody and saw this was not a good idea. They did not see it that way.  So, I told myself early on I would not try to convince anyone of my spiritual path. It’s not my job to convince nobody, but to simply be a light. 

Since childhood, I have been programmed and taught to live from the outside world, listening to others and logic.  Before I became spiritually aware, I ignored my vibes and energies for years and remained stuck and lost. Now I am starting to find myself, tuning into my vibes and energy. I have started loving myself, healing myself, facing my past, healing my past, and facing my own demons. 

I was determined to birth a new me, letting go of my old self and embracing my enlightened self. I started to unlearn everything and question my beliefs, patterns, my thoughts, and the way I did things. The process was painful but necessary for me to grow. I wanted my healing and freedom—and this aspect of spiritual awakening is never pretty.

I looked in the mirror, admitted my own faults, and confronted my own demons. I took on this hard journey of freeing myself, healing myself, and forgiving myself.

I went to  therapy to heal and hired a life coach to help me on my journey, and I am forever grateful for doing the hard part: admitting I need help in my healing and embracing my journey to a better life.

I am committed to my spiritual journey of forever evolving mentally, physically, and spiritually. I look forward to hearing from you, talking to you, connecting with you, and standing enlightened with you.

#befree #bealight #loveandlight

Denetria Brijel

Email: [email protected]

Pinterest: dedespeaks

Instagram: Denetria Brijel